Hungarian Contemporary Artist Database

– the most important artists, of all ages –


sets you free is joy lifts you up deepens you

The background is a part of the painting: Ákos Révész's Forrás - Pure Energy series


Quality thoughts. Real opinions.

Kiemelt művészünk: ESSE BÁNKI Ákos

Az alkotói munkámban elsősorban a tájábrázolás és az enteriőr foglalkoztat, ezen belül is leginkább az, hogy milyen kölcsönhatásban van ember és a közvetlen környezete egymásra, mennyire válik részünkké a tér, ami nap, mint nap körülvesz minket. Mennyire szolgál biztos pontként vagy mennyire szigetel el minket másoktól.

"Vendégművész": TARJÁN Zsófi a Honeybeast együttes énekesnője, grafikus

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Judit LÁNG

Buyer of Dóra Vanda Demcsák: Hommage á Muybridge

"This sculpture was love at first sight for me. It caught my eye and it was good to stand in front of it and enjoy it. I love the contrasts it carries: cheerful, serene, but also serious because of its historical background, vibrant, dynamic but at the same time static metal Its sophistication, the lightness and power of the horses' movements are so magical!
It makes you very happy that your apartment is decorated with your magnificent work of art! "

Real people with outstanding experiences


Happy owner of the painting: Éva Aros: Goodness

"This picture is like it was originally made in my apartment, it's right there in my dining room. Now I don't notice the other pictures on the wall yet, I can only admire 'Goodness.' Thank you!"

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